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Tag / Questbook: / Valley of Preparation
Expansion: Ch.II: The Elven Prophecy
Icon - Start Quest Start: Daily Quest Manager (EI) @ Valley of Preparation (Elven Island)
Icon - End Quest End: Daily Quest Manager (EI)
 XP: 1,009
 TP: 100
 Gold: 50Gold 
The Elven Prophecy

This page refers to content introduced in the expansion, Chapter II: The Elven Prophecy.

Daily Quest Manager (EI)

Daily Quest Manager (EI)


Talk to the Valley of Preparation's Daily Quest Manager to learn about the bulletin boards.


Hello, I'm the manager of the Valley of Preparation Bulletin Board.

The daily quest texts on the bulletin board are written and managed by me. Most of the quests are the troubles and needs of students and masters here. Mighty warrior, do you want to try to help others with their problems?

"Daily Quests"
Every town has a bulletin board. Sometimes residents will post quests for adventurers on it. You may be nicely rewarded for completing these daily quests.


Spoiler Alert!
We have some more information about how to perform this quest but recognize you might want to try it on your own before we tell you the secret...
While not a Daily Quest, completion of this quest unlocks all the other Daily Quests on the Valley of Preparation Bulletin Board


Spoiler Alert!
The game provides some further information that may, or may not, actually help...
Mighty warrior, if you can resolve some of the troubles and needs of the quest posters, I trust they will be pleased to give you some handsome rewards. I wish you luck!

Elven Island
Quest Series
Valley of Preparation
Save Plant Seeds
Where the Hell are They? (RW/Ggl)
Transcendence Beach
Alchemy Trouble (RW/Ggl)
Those Bears Again!
Poison Mushrooms
Special Flowers
Spore Mage's Peculiarity (RW/Ggl)
Helping Them Grow (RW/Ggl)
Even More Sabinean Food Samples
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