Runes of Magic Wiki
Great Barrier (Quest Series)
Epic Quest Series
Starting ZoneSavage Lands
Recc. Levels53 to 55
Previous One Thousand Years of Slavery
Next Envoy of the Dragons
Return the Glory
See alsoQuest Series
Epic Quest Series
The Elven Prophecy

This page refers to content introduced in the expansion, Chapter II: The Elven Prophecy.

This Epic series starts with Mynarvis in Savage Lands and concludes in Aotulia Volcano.

All quests in this Series are members of Category:EpicStory4 (Quest Tag) and Category:Great Barrier (Questbook).

Armor Sets[ | ]

Some quests in this Epic quest series reward pieces of the Savage Lands set.

Savage Lands
This Collective Item Set can come from 2 sources. One is from quests in Great Barrier quest series.

The second source, or second chance if you like. is when you first arrive in Thunderhoof Hills. You will receive a quest, [55] Rewards for Students, from Kabo Kennedy. Simply speak to him again to receive a Bodo Treasure Bodo Treasure. Be sure to choose the type of armor you want. You will receive 2 bags, one of the requested Armor, and the other of Weapons compatible with users of that armor.

Mob drops in this and related zones may also appear on Savage Lands Normal and Savage Lands Good.

Quest Sources

  • Head: blank quest name
  • Shoulders: blank quest name
  • Upper Body: blank quest name
  • Waist: blank quest name
  • Hands: blank quest name
  • Lower Body: blank quest name
  • Feet: blank quest name
  • Dagger, Shield, Talisman: King's Return
  • Sword, Axe, Wand, Hammer: blank quest name
  • Staff, 2-H Sword, 2-H Axe, 2-H Hammer: blank quest name

Additional Good Weapons found in Savage Lands are from quests in Savage Lands quest series:

Stub Eventually, this should list the sources of each piece of armor in this set.
This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.

Savage Lands[ | ]

For quest chain, see: Savage Lands chain in the Great Barrier quest series

  1. [53] Keluo Red Flowers - Gather 8 Keluo Red Flowers
  2. [53] Presenting a Bouquet - Place the flowers at the Simple Grave.

Yell Fendt
unlocked by completing Confirming Materials and Holy Relic Reappears in the Savage Lands quest series

  1. [55][Epic] Ancient Book from the Green Tower - Deliver Cloudbell Rose Petal Cloudbell Rose Petal ×12 (from Cloudbell Rose Bush) and Wild Bittersweet Taro Wild Bittersweet Taro ×12 (from [55][Epic] Fallen Elf Girl) to Yell Fendt
  2. [55][Epic] Returning the Book - Give Ancient Elven Book and Fendt Balm to Arlofled


  1. [55][Epic] Fallen Elf Girl - Help Kalen , then talk to her.
  2. [55][Epic] Kalen is Safe - Deliver Knight Novel to Mynarvis


  1. [55][Epic] A Lady's Concern - Take Fendt Balm to Mynarvis
  2. [55][Epic] Bodo Village Chaos - Speak to Mynarvis
  3. [55][Epic] A Not-so-useful Clue - Ask Arlofled about the Great Barrier
  4. [55][Epic] Ancient Armlet - Take contents of Exquisite Makeup Box to Mynarvis
  5. [55][Epic] A Hero's Name -
  6. [55][Epic] Checking Eduth -
  7. [55][Epic] Collecting Spirit Soil -
  8. [55][Epic] Mother Earth Ceremony -
  9. [55][Epic] Where Should You Look? -
  10. [55][Epic] Proof of Childhood Friendship -
  11. [55][Epic] Searching for Clues -
  12. [55][Epic] Inherited Treasures? -
  13. [55][Epic] The Wind God Descends -
  14. [55][Epic] Wind's Guidance -
  15. [55][Epic] The Bodos Cannot be Without the Gods! - Help Shachis complete the ceremony
  16. [55][Epic] Strange Carving -
  17. [55][Epic] Ancestor's Memories -
  18. [55][Epic] Tibabus' Request -
  19. [55][Epic] Gathering Opinions -
  20. [55][Epic] The Key -
  21. [55][Epic] In the Distant Past -
  22. [55][Epic] Hermit's Invitation -
  23. [55][Epic] Return to the Green Tower -
  24. [55][Epic] Search of Great Importance - Meet Artaher at Titans' Hill in Aotulia Volcano

Aotulia Volcano[ | ]

For quest chain, see: Aotulia Volcano chain in the Great Barrier quest series

  1. [55][Epic] A Special Method - Use the Rope to capture a Wilderness Otyugh and take it to Shalidor in Dimarka
  2. [55][Epic] Search for Hali - Find Hali in the underground cave and ask about the Ic Stone of Nature
  3. [55][Epic] Hidden Cave? - Report back to Artaher
  4. [55][Epic] To the Hidden Cave - Enter the Hidden Cave
  5. [55][Epic] Resonance with the Spirit - Touch the Gel Crystals until they resonate to your soul
  6. [55][Epic] Special Crystals - Do the same with the Special Gel Crystals
  7. [55][Epic] Mysterious Crystals - Take the Ic Gel Crystal Rubbing to Artaher
  8. [55][Epic] The Meaning of the Marking - Ask the Hermit about the Gel Crystal Rubbing
  9. [55][Epic] Sacrificial Lambs - Go to the Valley of Burning Rocks and use the Ic Bags to capture 5 Naga
  10. [55][Epic] Dusty Barrier - Protect Artaher from the specters that guard the barrier
  11. [55][Epic] Distraction - Talk with Dimarka and give him the Ic Stone Tablet Original
  12. [55][Epic] To Live or Die - Kill the incarnation of Dimarka and get the Ic Dyed Flame Stone
  13. [55][Epic] Blood of Dimarka - Take the Ic Package to Hali
  14. [55][Epic] Hali's Stratagem -
  15. [55][Epic] Pieces of Childhood -
  16. [55][Epic] Have you found the Stone of Nature? -
  17. [55][Epic] Hidden Secret -
  18. [55][Epic] Crazy Ending -
  19. [55][Epic] A Soul's Return - Gather Ic Small Red Flower x5 from Cluster of Small Red Flowers
  20. [55][Epic] Touching Sentiments -
  21. [55][Epic] Undefiable Orders -
  22. [55][Epic] Dying Ajir -
  23. [55][Epic] The Key to Victory -
  24. [55][Epic] Sirloth -
  25. [55][Epic] Returning the Stone of Nature -
  26. [55][Epic] King's Return - Ask Arlofled about the Hermit
ZAM Network Credits
This page contains content originally from or based on wiki content at ZAM Network.
Referenced Page Location: Barrier (RoM Quest Series)