Runes of Magic Wiki
[+] Ystra Highlands
 [+] Khalara Watchtower
  [38] Going For It
Tag / Questbook: / Ystra Highlands
Icon - Start Quest Start: Frost White
Icon - End Quest End: Andrea

Quest Chain
  1. [37] Berhu Meat
  2. [37] Snow Ferret Tails
  3. [37] Where's the Relish?
  4. [37] Lik's Vexation
  5. [37] Special Sauce
  6. [37] The Illusionary Flame Dish
  7. [37] The Challenge
  8. [38] Counter-Attack
  9. [38] A Dish You Never Imagined
  10. [38] Nearby Material
  11. [38] Going For It
  12. [38] Ice Fairy Powder Dust (Quest)
  13. [38] Food Counterattack

You need to be at least Level 36 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 30 to turn-in this quest.


Go and pick up the order from [Andrea] in [Winternight Valley Camp] for [Frost White]

Goals: Speak with [Andrea] in [Winternight Valley Camp].

Nearby Material
Ystra Highlands
Quest Series
Khalara Watchtower
Ice Fairy Powder Dust (Quest)
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This pot is just about ready. But I have just had a great idea! Do you know [Winternight Valley Camp]? I have a friend called [Andrea] who is a biologist there. I know that sometimes she obtains interesting items as part of her research...

Go and ask her if she has any of the things that we spoke about. Youwant to know what the tings are? I'm not telling you. It's the secret of how I will defeat [Blazing Kaiser]... just go and help me!

- [Frost White], Frost Mage


Only by infusing them with the coldness of love can you fully preserve the beautiful taste of food.

- [Frost White], Frost Mage

On Completion

[White] asked you to come here? His wishes are really giving me headaches...

- [Andrea], Winternight Valley Camp biologist


  • Experience: 18466
  • TP: 1846
  • Money: 3062 Gold

Nearby Material
Ice Fairy Powder Dust (Quest)
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