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[+] Ystra Highlands
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  [37] Gift for an Admirer
Tag / Questbook: QuestsV1815 / Harf Trading Post
Expansion: Ch.I: Rise of the Demon Lord
Icon - Start Quest Start: Blazing Kaiser (Ystra Higlands)
Icon - End Quest End: Tabobi Sagan
 XP: 21,373
 TP: 2,137
 Gold: 3,257Gold 

Quest Chain
  1. [36] A Passion for Beauty
  2. [37] That Weirdo
  3. [37] A Sincere Gift
  4. [37] A Rare Treasure
  5. [37] Testimony to Bravery
  6. [37] Heartbroken Again
  7. [37] Stripping Pelts
  8. [37] A Perfect Protective Bag
  9. [37] Give Him Joy!
  10. [37] Time to Return
  11. [37] Transfer of Passion
  12. [37] The Elegant and Beautiful Samantha?
  13. [37] A Terrible Mistake
  14. [37] I Hope the Gods Will Bless You
  15. [37] Warning!
  16. [37] The Search Continues
  17. [37] Hot on the Trail
  18. [37] Unresolved Crisis... Wanna Eat?
  19. [37] Gift for an Admirer
  20. [37] Unresolved Crisis... Little Knife?
  21. [37] Gift for a Servant
  22. [37] So This is Goodbye
Rise of the Demon Lord

This page refers to content introduced at launch, with Chapter I: Rise of the Demon Lord.

You need to be at least Level 35 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 29 to turn-in this quest.


Deliver the Bag of Fire Material and Blazing Kaiser's Heated Wine to Tabobi Sagan.


Bag of Fire Material 0/1
Blazing Kaiser's Heated Wine 0/1


The more people like my cooking, the less power that young fellow Frost White has. Haha!

However, takeout is an unusual request. This food is so good, most people want to take time out of their lives to enjoy it rather than eat it as they travel. It's a real crime towards such a culinary miracle.

But I'm a generous guy. Here's a big bag of food fresh from the pot. Each dish is specially packed in a separate packet. I've thrown in this bottle of mulled wine, made using my own secret recipe. Now hurry back and give them to that greedy connoisseur.


Spoiler Alert!
This text may, or may not, contain information about future tasks or game lore...
Wow! The flavor is just... just incredible!

Intense sweetness accompanied by an acerbic bouquet, which when swallowed, produces a faint floral fragrance. I have never drunk such amazing wine in my life!

Unresolved Crisis... Wanna Eat?
Ystra Highlands
Quest Series
Khalara Watchtower
Unresolved Crisis... Little Knife?
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