Runes of Magic Wiki
[+] The Seductive Dark Pearl
 [+] Chapter III: Ice and Fire
  [34][Epic] Frostwood Valley's Records from the Past
Tag / Questbook: none / Epic - The Seductive Dark Pearl
Expansion: Ch.I: Rise of the Demon Lord
Icon - Start Quest Start: Apenny Eli @ Harf Trading Post (Ystra Highlands)
Related Items:
  • Records from the Past (RW/Ggl)
Related Objects:
  • Ancient Language Stone Tablet (RW/Ggl)
Icon - End Quest End: Apenny Eli
 XP: 13,566
 TP: 1,356
 Gold: 999Gold 
Choose one of:
  • Clasper Shoulder Pads (RW/Ggl)
  • Anti-healing Ring (RW/Ggl)
  • Noisemaker Belt (RW/Ggl)

Chapter III: Ice and Fire This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.
  1. [34][Epic] Apenny's Scroll
  2. [34][Epic] Obtain Investigation Information
  3. [34][Epic] Frostwood Valley's Records from the Past
  4. [36][Epic] Intelligence Expert Kaiza
  5. [36][Epic] Secret Book of the Minotaurs
  6. [37][Epic] Dark Ritual of the Ancient Text
  7. [37][Epic] Sacrifice of Fresh Blood
  8. [38][Epic] Open the Seal
  9. [38][Epic] Emergency Letter Delivery
  10. [38][Epic] Test of the Magic Phantom Pearl
  11. [40][Epic] A Crucial Report
  12. [40][Epic] Contacting Lof
Rise of the Demon Lord

This page refers to content introduced at launch, with Chapter I: Rise of the Demon Lord.

Apenny Eli

Apenny Eli

You need to be at least Level 32 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 26 to turn-in this quest.


Heed Apenny Eli's suggestion and go to the east cliff of the Frostwood Valley, find the pillar guarded by the Cyclopes, and search for the Records from the Past nearby.

Goals: Records from the Past


Louie August initially wanted us to find documents pertaining to the many legends and history of Sea of Snow, as well as an analysis of information about something known as Magic Phantom Pearl Magic Phantom Pearl.

But because Louie August disappeared, our investigation came to a halt. Near the eastern cliff of Frostwood Valley we found a stone pillar that has ancient demonic power. This power drew Frostwood Valley Cyclopes to protect what they see as treasure.

I believe the demons may have left behind some information there, and this information could contain clues about Magic Phantom Pearl Magic Phantom Pearl! What do you think? Want to go look? Perhaps Louie August is there!

However, with the relative risk of the unknown world, I'd advise you to gather some partners to go with you. Those Cyclopes are not easy to deal with.


Spoiler Alert!
We have some more information about how to perform this quest but recognize you might want to try it on your own before we tell you the secret...
After examining the Ancient Language Stone Tablet, you may examine the Treasure Chest to start [36][Epic] Intelligence Expert Kaiza. You do NOT need to return to Apenny Eli first.


Spoiler Alert!
This text may, or may not, contain information about future tasks or game lore...
I've looked over the Records from the Past you brought back, and they are related to Magic Phantom Pearl Magic Phantom Pearl. On it are recorded the experiences of Magic Phantom Pearl Magic Phantom Pearl's creator, Sonanbak, and on the back are his follower's records.

The pillar you saw was an experiment to absorb dark power. Sonanbak put a lot of thought into the creation of this Magic Phantom Pearl Magic Phantom Pearl, and many people lost their lives! But Sonanbak believed that if the wilderness would be drowned in fresh blood things would flow naturally, a new era could begin and he could build his ideal country.

Sonanbak's follower urging the minotaurs to risk their lifes for him performed the ceremony, but found that this Magic Phantom Pearl Magic Phantom Pearl's magic power wasn't perfect, and once again sealed it in the Sea of Snow. He took advantage of the minotaurs' naive warlike manner to have them guard this Magic Phantom Pearl Magic Phantom Pearl and the secret.

After reading this I was really surprised! Can the Magic Phantom Pearl Magic Phantom Pearl that Louie August wants to find really bring hope?

Obtain Investigation Information (RW/Ggl)
The Seductive Dark Pearl
Quest Series
Chapter III: Ice and Fire
Intelligence Expert Kaiza
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