Runes of Magic Wiki
[+] Bloody Demon Sword
 [+] Chapter IV: The Snows of Ystra
  [30] Finding the Tablet - I
Tag / Questbook: none / Epic - Bloody Demon Sword
Expansion: Ch.I: Rise of the Demon Lord
Icon - Start Quest Start: Tatasha
Related Objects:
Icon - End Quest End: Tatasha
 XP: 0
 TP: 0
 Gold: 3,300Gold 
Choose one of:
You will receive:
Rise of the Demon Lord

This page refers to content introduced at launch, with Chapter I: Rise of the Demon Lord.



You need to be at least Level 28 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 22 to turn-in this quest.


Find the 3 stone tablets


Spoiler Alert!
We have some more information about how to perform this quest but recognize you might want to try it on your own before we tell you the secret...
All 3 are to the left of the quest giver, very close by.

During the four "Finding the Tablet" quests, each Stone Tablet you examine has a chance to spawn a mob. Here is a list of the mobs we have seen.

I am sure this list is not exhaustive, it is just what we have encountered.

This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.

Pick I
Bloody Demon Sword
Quest Series
Chapter IV: The Snows of Ystra
Pick II
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