Runes of Magic Wiki

This summarized page lists in-game items or topics best summed up with a single wiki article. This is so we can avoid making dozens of pages all dealing with slight variations of the same thing. If they are created at all, the individual pages should all redirect here.

ID#: 241209
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Icon - Disguise Tool Set
Disguise Tool Set
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  1. This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.
    While in possession of a Disguise Tool Set Disguise Tool Set, you need to click on a Lost Power of Nature dropped by an Ethereal Spectrum Chicken. Depending on the elemental type of Lost Power you will get a different Elemental Disguise Tool Set Elemental Disguise Tool Set.
    • The chickens congregate just east of the path at the base of the Varanas Bridge. You do not need to chase them, just wait here and they will come back to you throughout this task.
  2. Use the Elemental Disguise Tool Set Elemental Disguise Tool Set to don your Wabbit Disguise Wabbit Disguise.
  3. Use the temporary skill, Eggfire Eggfire, to ease an Ethereal Spectrum Chicken's egg-laying so you receive her Sublime Chicken Egg Sublime Chicken Egg.
  4. Take the Sublime Chicken Egg Sublime Chicken Egg to Angela Bix.

Spring Rain Festival This page relates to a quest, mob, event, or item involved in the annual Spring Rain Festival (April to May)
Relevant Topic: Etheral Spectrum Chicken