Runes of Magic Wiki
ID#: 205827
Recipe ID#: 551315 (RW/Ggl)
Recipe Cost: 10Gold 
Recipe Sold by:

This item is created by AlchemyAlchemy (41).

Alchemy (Production)
Icon - Feyenloth's Tranquility
Feyenloth's Tranquility
Requires Level 1
Raw Material
Cannot be sold

Recipe - Feyenloth's Tranquility Recipe - Feyenloth's Tranquility
Requires AlchemyAlchemy level 41
Raw Materials:
Wizard-Iron Ingot Wizard-Iron Ingot ×1
Moon Orchid Extract Moon Orchid Extract ×3
Prayer of Resting Prayer of Resting ×1
Straw Mushroom Extract Straw Mushroom Extract ×1
Strange Magical Leaf Strange Magical Leaf ×1
Feyenloth's Fear Feyenloth's Fear ×1
Feyenloth's Tranquility Feyenloth's Tranquility ×1
Crafting Cost: 0Gold 

As with all AlchemyAlchemy Recipes, the Crafting Cost represents the cost of the glassware plus any cost to use the Crafting Station (as displayed on the Crafting UI).

Very few Crafted items have no upgrade path, but this appears to be one of them.

Thank You! The Runes of Magic Wiki would like to thank Salamandra for what this recipe is.

[SGM] Salamandra (PL) (on the official RoM Discord server, said, "This recipe is connected with Moa weapons and gaining Elite Skills "the old way". If you create a single Moa weapon, you will be able to buy this recipe (and the other ones) from G. Moa, who is located in Obsidian Stronghold."
