Runes of Magic Wiki
Daily Quest
[+] Anniversary Celebration
 [+] Amusement for Labor
  [55][Event Daily] Explosive Entertainment
Quest ID# 427974
Tag / Questbook: E:12y ROMinGER / Thunderhoof Hills
Expansion: Patch
Icon - Start Daily Quest Start: Mysterious Clown @ Dalanis (Thunderhoof Hills)
Related Zones:
Related Mobs:
Related Items:
Icon - End Daily Quest End: Mysterious Clown
 XP: 135,663
 TP: 13,566
 Gold: 4,569Gold 
You will receive:

Quest Chain
  1. [55][Event Daily] Amusement for Labor
  2. [55][Event Daily] Amusement for Labor II
  3. [55][Event Daily] Amusement for Labor III
  4. [55][Event Daily] Explosive Entertainment
Mysterious Clown

Mysterious Clown

You need to be at least Level 53 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 47 to turn-in this quest.
This quest becomes trivial above Level 100.


You are given an Arena Ticket Arena Ticket. Use it to be transported to Warnorken Arena!

Talk to the Arena Organizer, accept the transformation potion, and step into the ring. You become a Dragon, fighting the Seven Heroes (not really, it is all a play, sort of). Follow the on-screen instructions and use the temp skills as directed. When the "battle" starts you have 2 temporary skills:

Additional skills will appear during the course of the "fight".


Spoiler Alert!
We have some more information about how to perform this quest but recognize you might want to try it on your own before we tell you the secret...
Complaining about the ticket will only get you Feared. Instead, right-click on the ticket to be transported.

You are not attending an entertainment, you ARE the entertainment!

In general, ignore the soldiers. Just focus on the "boss" of each round, and wait for the message to use a special skill against him. Use it, and wait for the next round. When you take to the air against "Thanteos Kalume" the "fight" is over.

Tips on NOT Bugging

  1. Heurton and Lekani: Target Huerton, but count to 15 before you kill him.
  2. Letin Mocliff, Jenny Giant, and Shint Kanches: Do not attack the trio. Soldiers only, until Letin Mocliff warns them to hide behind his shield. Once the shield is up, target Letin Mocliff and move to him, then use your Poison Dragon Shot Poison Dragon Shot (alt+3) to defeat them all. Letin Mocliff will flee.
  3. Androth: do not attack him until the script says to use the Fierce Storm Fierce Storm (alt+4) to defeat him.
  4. Thanteos Kalume: Feel free to let loose, but eventually your 4 skills will vanish and be replaced by Final Cheer Final Cheer. Use it to fly up and end the event! IF you kill Thanteos Kalume, just keep fighting until you see the message "The burning anger inside you is becoming increasingly uncontrollable! Use Final Cheer Final Cheer" appears, then use it!

Event Daily quests are repeatable, but only once per day unless a Festival Repeat Ticket Festival Repeat Ticket is used.

Amusement for Labor III
Anniversary Celebration
Quest Series
Amusement for Labor
Icon - The End
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Anniversary Celebration This page relates to a quest, mob, event, or item involved in the annual Anniversary Celebration (March)
Relevant Topic: Amusement for Labor