Spoiler Alert! We have hidden this information so that you have the choice to try it on your own, or have the advantage of knowing how the sausage is made...
Note: When trying to scan the Abandoned Channel, if an Empty Rune Block is anywhere close you will get Rune Box Construction Map instead of the Channel Construction Map you need. Move away a little and try again. You will get 2, maybe 3, tries before the mob respawns. BEWARE the Flame Tongue Binders. They add easily and hit like freaking gorillas. The database only shows the location of one Abandoned Channel (at 30, 27) but I can see three here AND I have been told, on Discord, that there is another one out here somewhere that is nowhere near these 3 and does not have an Empty Rune Block near it. I am wondering if it is inside Byalant Production Plant.
Daily Quests are repeatable up to a total (for all Daily Quests) of 10 times per day. The count can be reset to zero by purchasing and using a Daily Quest Ticket from the Item Shop (for 39 ($1.16)† ) or from any Phirius Merchant (for 780 ).
In all other zones they do not reward XP, TP or Gold, only Public Event Points. In all other aspects they are the same as a Daily Quest (except for the infinitely repeatable part and the rewards). Public Event Points contribute towards the completion of Regional Quest objectives, which in turn rewards a number of Energy of Justice commensurate with your amount of participation in the Regional event.
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