This quest series starts in Varanas City with the homework of a spoiled son of a nobleman, and ends...?
Start this series by killing a Whirlwind Beetle just outside the Varanas Gates and examining the Luminous Emblem it drops. This will begin the quest, The Emblem's Owner, and the series.
Introduction[ | ]
Item-Triggered: Luminous Emblem
- [12][Epic] The Emblem's Owner - Find the owner of the Luminous Emblem
Chapter I: Here's Your Scion[ | ]
Silverspring: Phil August • Berol (Varanas Council Hall) • Liam Pierre (Forsaken Abbey) • Auskor Fal
- [14][Epic] Code of Honor - Return Phil's homework to Berol
- [14][Epic] Book Delivery - Deliver a history book to Phil August
- [14][Epic] Mysterious Magical Formula - Catch a Flame Butterfly
- [14][Epic] The Final Step - Phil summons a Flame Beast. Hold it at bay until Hal arrives to banish it!
- [14][Epic] Holy Spring Amulet - Take Phil August's Emblem to the Forsaken Abbey and ask Aymar for a Holy Spring Amulet
- [16][Epic] Runestone Energy - Find the Ancient Stone Tablet at the crossroads
- [16][Epic] Amulet Transfer - Take the Holy Spring Amulet back to Phil August
- [17][Epic] Looking for Louie - Ask people in the Lower City about the whereabouts of Louie August
- [19][Epic] Secret Mission - Return to Phil August when your level is 19 or higher.
- [20][Epic] Obscure Ancient Text - Take the Ancient Text to Auskor Fal at Tagena in Silverspring
- [20][Epic] Auskor Fal's Introduction Letter - Take the Ancient Text to Brandy Manlin at Qilana Camp in Aslan Valley
Chapter II: A Mysterious Ancient Text[ | ]
Aslan Valley: Brandy Manlin • Roland Ebon • Benny Lawson • Ahalo • Cynthia
- [22][Epic] Sacrificial Chalice - Find the Sacrificial Chalice in the Sacrificial Mound by the pond
- [23][Epic] Materials for Revealing the Prayer - Obtain 8 Sticky Body Fluids from Irontail Anteaters
- [26][Epic] Revealing the Prayer - Place the Sticky Chalice on the Holy Stone on Bloodhound Mountain
- [26][Epic] Chalice Inscription - Take the Chalice Inscription and find Benny Lawson in Silverfall
- [28][Epic] Ancient Reference Book - Borrow the Ancient Reference Book from Tarkun in Silverfall
- [28][Epic] Rite of Hope - Obtain 7 Silent Essences from Wandering Ents in New Moon Forest and 7 Grease from Sharpclaw Bears
- [28][Epic] Rite Ceremony - Take the Offering to the Altar of Hope
- [29][Epic] Drunkard's Proverb - Talk to Ahalo at "The Distillery"
- [30][Epic] Accidental Gift - Talk to Cynthia [Tavern Owner] in front of the fireplace
- [30][Epic] Cloak Material - Get a Tenacious Vine from the Bloodthirsty Demon Vine King and 8 Claws from Shaggy Bears
- [30][Epic] Wine Delivery - Deliver the Absinthe to Ahalo
- [32][Epic] Louie's Tent - Go to the tent near the Sea of Snow and leave a message for Louie August
Chapter III: Ice and Fire[ | ]
Ystra Highlands: Apenny Eli • Kalza Kent • Louie August
- [34][Epic] Apenny's Scroll
- [34][Epic] Obtain Investigation Information
- [34][Epic] Frostwood Valley's Records from the Past
- [36][Epic] Intelligence Expert Kaiza - open a chest in Frostwood Valley and read a letter to start.
- [36][Epic] Secret Book of the Minotaurs
- [37][Epic] Dark Ritual of the Ancient Text
- [37][Epic] Sacrifice of Fresh Blood
- [38][Epic] Open the Seal
- [38][Epic] Emergency Letter Delivery
- [38][Epic] Test of the Magic Phantom Pearl
- [40][Epic] A Crucial Report
- [40][Epic] Contacting Lof
Chapter IV: Dungeons and Dragons[ | ]
Dragonfang Ridge: Lof Jerrold • Fuling
- [42][Epic] The Witch called Fuling - Take the Magic Phantom Pearl to Fuling in Dragonfang Ice Plain
- [44][Epic] Zorath the Winged Dragon - Retrieve the Crystal of Light from Zorath
- [44][Epic] Magic Circle of Light - Get Kidoli Flower Pistil x5 at Giant Magic Circle
- [44][Epic] Icebound Talisman - Get Rune Core at Ice Stone
- [44][Epic] Purification Ritual - Protect Fuling while she purifies the Magic Phantom Pearl
- [44][Epic] Returning - Report the purification to Lof Jerrold
- [44][Epic] Louie and Phil's Invitation - Report the purification to Phil August in Varanas
Referenced Page Location: legacy.zam.com/wiki/The Seductive Dark Pearl (RoM Quest Series) |