Important Note[ | ]
I have confirmed that a "Green VIII Ability" stat overwrites Flame of the Lost VI no matter how I arrange the Item and Mana Stones. So it appears that using the Custom Fusion Stones in place of Pure Fusion Stones is not an option, though Half Green / Half Yellow, and twinking are still very much a possibility. I have removed the theorectical "Pure Mode" options.
Preface[ | ]
Special Ancient Mementos vendors, such as Jason Ando, Isaac Wayer, and Chaz Winlow; or the more expensive Cecila Seline and Katharina Koman give us the ability to create "custom" fusion stones.
As a result of these vendors, two major possibilities present themselves: 1) Use these stones to avoid having to use Pure Fusion Stones to transfer 3 Yellow stats and 3 "Nice" Green stats; 2) for "TWINK"ing an alt/low level friend.
2ND NOTE: Don't forget that each fusion stone must be combined with an item to create a mana stone, and that stats and tier are aquired from the item used as well as the fusion stone involved. (Generally an item with the desired yellow stat or an appropriately tiered "clean" item, such as the tier 4 belt purchasable in Limo Desert, will be combined with a 3-stat fusion stone in these scenarios.) Also, remember that 3 mana stones (each with the same tier, of an equal or higher tier than the target item) must be combined with an item to transfer the stats to the item.
ALSO NOTE: All the tables below assume use of the chreaper VIII, IX, X Custom Fusion Stones. But they can be easily adapted to the more expensive X, XI, XII Custom Fusion Stones.
Now, on to the theories:
Transfering Yellow Stats without using Pure Fussion Stones[ | ]
Possibility 1[ | ]
3 Yellow Stats, 1 Green Stat of Each Rank (No repeating names)
In this variation 3 Fusion Stones are used to create a piece of gear that has 3 Green Stats and 3 Yellow Stats. The Green Stats will be of different names and one each of rank VIII, IX, and X. The yellow stats can be of any rank, since only 3 stats are coming from the fusion stones.
The stones should be built as follows:
Stone 1 | Stone 2 | Stone 3 | |
Rank X | High 1 | High 1 | High 1 |
Rank IX | Mid 1 | Mid 1 | Mid 1 |
Rank VIII | Low 1 | Low 1 | Low 1 |
Item | Yellow 1 | Yellow 2 | Yellow 3 (or clean) |
For Example:
Stone 1 | Stone 2 | Stone 3 | |
Rank X | Ability | Ability | Ability |
Rank IX | Knowledge | Knowledge | Knowledge |
Rank VIII | Physique | Physique | Physique |
Item | Chill of the Tomb VII | Heart of the Lost VII | Seal of Potential (Already present on target item) |
Possibility 2[ | ]
Repeated use of "clean" sacrifice items to create identical mana stones for greater "tiering" with a variation of one of the previous possibilities on a few stones to create high tier stones with Yellow Stats and "Choice" Green Stats. Such as creating 25 tier 4 Mana Stones with 3 Green stats, and 2 tier 4 Mana Stones with 3 Green Stats and 1 Yellow Stat each to create 3 Tier 6 Mana Stones with a combined 3 Yellow Stats (The weapon's plus 2 others of your choosing) and 3 Green Stats (1 each of Rank VIII, IX, and X). Allowing a weapon to be tiered to 6, retain it's existing Yellow, inherit 2 More Yellows and 3 "Choice" Greens. (Approximated Cost: 810 Ancient Mementos (+ Items), 310,000 Gold.
(Note to create 3 Tier 9 Mana stones from tier 4 equivalent items in this manner would require 727 "clean" stones and 2 "Yellow" stones -- this would require 21,870 Ancient Mementos and Approximately 8 Million Gold (plus the cost of the sacrificial Yellow stat contributing items and the target item of course), but then again, the weapon would be be Tier 9 with 3 Yellow Stats and 3 Green "Choice" Stats instead of 6 "Random" Green I stats, and the process would require ZERO purified fusion stones.)
Twinking[ | ]
The target of twinking is to inexpensively transfer a high tier and several "good" stats to the "twinkee". To accomplish this 3 Tier 3 or Tier 4 vendor bought "clean" items are used together with 3 carefully chosen fusion stones and a, preferably Over Durability, target item with either no stats ("clean") or with stats that are duplicated (with both name and rank) in the fusion stones to create an item with 6 good green stats and a couple of rank improvements.
Possibility 1[ | ]
3 Rank X Green Stats, 2 Rank IX Green Stats, and 1 Rank VIII Green Stat. Build as follows:
Stone 1 | Stone 2 | Stone 3 | |
Rank X | High 1 | High 2 | High 3 |
Rank IX | Mid 1 | Mid 1 | Mid 2 |
Rank VIII | Low 1 | Low 1 | Low 1 |
Item | Clean | Clean | Clean |
Note: It is possible to have ONE repeated name on this build by giving High 2 and Mid 2 the same name. For Example: to end up with Ability X, Knowledge X, Acumen X, Physique IX, Ability IX, Purity VIII; build as follows:
Stone 1 | Stone 2 | Stone 3 | |
Rank X | Ability | Knowledge | Acumen |
Rank IX | Physique | Physique | Ability |
Rank VIII | Purity | Purity | Purity |
Item | Clean | Clean | Clean |
(BTW: This results in: +52 MAtk, +69 Int, +59 Sta, +53 Wis, +29 to All Other Stats. Not bad for 90 Ancient Mementos and 35k gold)
Possibility 2[ | ]
1 Desired Green Stat repeated at each rank, plus 1 Rank VIII, 1 Rank IX, and 1 Rank X stat. Build as follows:
Stone 1 | Stone 2 | Stone 3 | |
Rank X | Repeat Stat | High 1 | High 1 |
Rank IX | Mid 1 | Repeat Stat | Mid 1 |
Rank VIII | Low 1 | Low 1 | Repeat Stat |
Item | Clean | Clean | Clean |
For Example: to end up with Ability X, IX, VIII, Knowledge X, Physique IX, and Purity VIII; build as follows:
Stone 1 | Stone 2 | Stone 3 | |
Rank X | Ability | Knowledge | Knowledge |
Rank IX | Physique | Ability | Physique |
Rank VIII | Purity | Purity | Ability |
Item | Clean | Clean | Clean |
(BTW: This results in: +79 Int, +69 Sta, +63 Wis, +39 to All Other Stats. Not bad for 90 Ancient Mementos and 35k Gold)