Detailed UIParent Hierarchy[ | ]
The complete list is too big to fit on one page.
WorldFrame[ | ]
TopPopup[ | ]
- TopPopupDialog
- TopPopupDialogButton1
- TopPopupDialogButton2
- TopPopupDialogText
FramerateText[ | ]
UIParent (Direct children only)[ | ]
- AccountBagFrame
- AccountBookFrame
- AggroFrame
- AggroMessageFrame
- AskNumberFrame
- AuctionFrame
- BagFrame
- BagWarningFrame
- BankFrame
- BattleGroundRoomListFrame
- BattleGroundScoreFrame
- BattleGroundStatusFrame
- BeautyStudioFrame
- BillboardFrame
- BootyFrame
- BottomActionBarFrame
- BulletinBoard
- CardBookFrame
- CastingBarFrame
- CharacterFrame
- CharacterSkillPointButton
- ChatChannelSetFrame
- ChatEmotion
- ChatFrame1
- ChatFrame1Tab
- ChatFrame2
- ChatFrame2Tab
- ChatFrame3
- ChatFrame3Tab
- ChatFrame4
- ChatFrame4Tab
- ChatFrame5
- ChatFrame5Tab
- ChatFrame6
- ChatFrame6Tab
- ChatFrame7
- ChatFrame7Tab
- ChatFrame8
- ChatFrame8Tab
- ChatFrame9
- ChatFrame9Tab
- ChatFrame10
- ChatFrame10Tab
- ChatFrameDropDown
- ChatFrameEditBox
- ChatMenuDropDown
- ChatRoomGroup
- ColorPickerFrame
- ColorSelectFrame
- CountDownFrame
- DuelFrame
- EquipDameFrame
- ExchangeClassFrame
- ExitNoviceTeaching
- ExperienceFrame
- FocusFrame
- FocusOptionFrame
- FormulaStoreFrame
- FriendInfoFrame
- GameConfigFrame
- GameLogoFrame
- GameMenuFrame
- GameTooltip
- GameTooltip1
- GameTooltip2
- GameTooltip_SkillLevelUp
- GameTooltipHyperLink
- GarbageFrame
- GiveItemFrame
- GmNotificationFrame
- GoodsFrame
- GroupListPopup
- GroupLootFrame1
- GroupLootFrame2
- GroupLootFrame3
- GroupLootFrame4
- GroupLootFrame5
- GroupLootFrame6
- GuildBankBuyPageFrame
- GuildBankFrame
- GuildBankLogFrame
- GuildBankSetStoreConfigFrame
- GuildCommand
- GuildFlagFrame
- GuildFrame
- GuildHouseBuildingFrame
- GuildHouseBuildingResourcesFrame
- GuildHouseFrame
- GuildHouseFurnitureFrame
- GuildListBoardFrame
- HouseBuyFunctionFrame
- HouseEnergyFrame
- HouseFrame
- HouseFurnishingsFrame
- HouseHangerFrame1
- HouseHangerFrame2
- HouseStorageFrame_1
- HouseStorageFrame_2
- HouseStorageFrame_3
- HouseStorageFrame_4
- HouseStorageFrame_5
- HouseStorageManagerFrame
- HouseTitleBarFrame
- InspectFrame
- ItemMallBufferFrame
- ItemMallFrame
- ItemMargeFrame
- ItemPreviewFrame
- ItemQueueFrame
- KeyDefineFrame
- LeftActionBarFrame
- LookingForPartyPopup
- LootFrame
- LootMethodPopup
- LootThresholdPopup
- LotteryExchangeFrame
- LotteryShopFrame
- MacroFrame
- MacroPopupFrame
- MacroPopupIconFrame
- MagicBoxExplainFrame
- MagicBoxFrame
- MailFrame
- MainActionBarFrame
- MainMenuFrame
- MainPopupMenu
- MinimapBeautyStudioButton
- MinimapFrame
- MinimapFrameBattleGroundButton
- MinimapFrameBorder
- MinimapFrameBulletinButton
- MinimapFrameOptionButton
- MinimapFrameQuestTrackButton
- MinimapFrameRestoreUIButton
- MinimapFrameStoreButton
- MinimapNpcTrackButton
- NoviceTeaching
- NpcTrackFrame
- ObjectBloodBarFrame
- OpenMailFrame
- PetActionBarFrame
- PlayerBuffFrame
- PlayerFrame
- PopupMenuFrame
- QuestTrackAnchorFrame
- QuestTrackFrame
- RaidFocusFrame
- RaidOptionFrame
- RaidPartyFrame1
- RaidPartyFrame2
- RaidPartyFrame3
- RaidPartyFrame4
- RaidPartyFrame5
- RaidPartyFrame6
- RaidTargetFrameManager
- RightActionBarFrame
- ScriptBorder
- ScrollBannerFrame
- SelectRewardItemFrame
- SkillLevelUpFrame
- SocialFrame
- SocialFrame_PersonalData
- SpeakFrame
- Spellbound
- StaticPopup1
- StaticPopup2
- StaticPopup3
- StaticPopup4
- StoreFrame
- SYS_AudioSettings_Frame
- SYS_DisplaySettings_Frame
- SystemMsgFrame
- TargetFrame
- TargetTargetFrame
- TeachingFrame
- TeleportBook
- TimeFlagFrame
- TimeFlagStoreUpFrame
- TimeKeeperFrame
- TradeFrame
- TutorialAlertButton1
- TutorialAlertButton2
- TutorialAlertButton3
- TutorialAlertButton4
- TutorialAlertButton5
- TutorialAlertButton6
- TutorialAlertButton7
- TutorialAlertButton8
- TutorialExplainFrame
- TutorialFrame
- UI_CraftFrame
- UI_CraftFrame
- UI_QuestBook
- UI_SkillBook
- UnitFrame_party1
- UnitFrame_party2
- UnitFrame_party3
- UnitFrame_party4
- UnitFrame_party5
- UnitPopup
- WarningFrame
- WorldMapDisableFrame
- WorldMapFrame
- ZoneNameFrame