The Shops on this page all sell the same Category of items.
Shop pages in this category are NOT real shops! ALL GUIDs in the game are 6 digits, but we may create a 7 digit GUID to hold a Shop-like page that does not actually use Shops. This is common for Recipe sales interfaces that look like a shop but do not use the Shops UI.
I was wrong! Recipe merchants DO use the Shops UI, but you cannot use the item or recipe NAME to find the Shop#! You need to find the recipe, then use the Recipe GUID to locate the Shop it is sold on!
There are a few Recipe sales that do NOT use the Shop GUID. We do not understand how they are doing it, but the for-sale item cannot be located in the Shops db. We may be able to resolve this eventually.
Pages in category "NoGUID (Shop Category)"
The following 19 pages are in this category, out of 19 total.