Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki
  • Patch 6.5.5 introduced Mirrorworld on March 17th, 2016.
  • Patch 7.0.2 totally changed the UI. All can be played every day but only 2 of them are free once each weekday, with four free once each weekend day. Additional attempts may be made but they will cost a Mirrorworld Ticket Mirrorworld Ticket (30Diamonds ($0.9) ).
  • Patch 7.1.1 added 3 new instances
  • Patch added 3 new instances

Mirrorworld Daily Free Entry[ | ]

Free Mirror Instances
Dynamic Mirror Shrine
Steadfast Mirror Heart of the Ocean
Mystical Mirror Water Cave
Dynamic Mirror Altar
Steadfast Mirror Ruins
Mystical Mirror Tower
Dynamic Mirror Caves
Steadfast Mirror Shrine
Mystical Mirror Fortress
Dynamic Mirrored Arcane Chamber
Steadfast Mirror Lair
Mystical Mirror Gallery
Dynamic Mirror Sewers
Steadfast Mirror Dreamworld
Mystical Mirror Pirate Ship
Dynamic Mirror Wyrm Lair
Steadfast Mirror Library
Mystical Mirror Hall

Mirror World Instance UI

Mirrorworld Instance UI

Thanks to your feedback in the forums and on Facebook, we've been able to improve this feature, and we're currently working with Runewaker on expanding the Mirrorworld with new creatures and instances. It's difficult to name a concrete date for release yet, but we have our eyes set on an August rollout. — from RoMmunity Letter II

Here are the basics:

  • Talk with Hagris Rya in Varanas Administration District to learn more about the Mirrorworld. Tell Hagris Rya you "wish to travel to Mirrorworld" to unlock the quests from Aylin Shina!
  • Players can exchange Mirror Shards Mirror Shards (droppd by all mobs in all Mirror instances) for rewards by talking to Forkas Garry [Mirrorworld Researcher].
  • All Mirrorworld instances are level 90 Solo. You must be at least level 90 to enter but you can do the access quests at 10.
  • From the moment you press the Transport button you have just 15 minutes, including the time it takes for you to zone in.
  • No matter where you are in the world when you enter a Mirror, you always exit at the same place; the square in the Administration District where the NPCs are. If you died, this is where your tombstone will be.
  • There are three attributes of the Mirrorworld; Dynamic, Steadfast, and Mystical. There will be one instance of each triad for each Attribute. Not all Attributes are available every day.
  • Once you have done all the Free instances each day, additional instances can be opened with Mirrorworld Tickets Mirrorworld Tickets. You can get a discount for as many as 5 tickets at once. Just click on the Transport button to open the Mirrorworld Ticket Purchasing UI.
Mirrorworld Tickets
# Price Price
1 30Diamonds ($0.9) 
2 60Diamonds ($1.79)  30Diamonds ($0.9) 
3 80Diamonds ($2.39)  26.66Diamonds ($0.8) 
4 90Diamonds ($2.69)  22.5Diamonds ($0.67) 
5 100Diamonds ($2.98)  20Diamonds ($0.6) 

There are two quests involved in Mirrorworld access:

  1. [10] Memento to the Mirrorworld
  2. [10] The Mirrorworld Beckons

Both quests begin and end with Aylin Shina. Although you can get the quests at level 10, you still cannot enter a Mirroworld Instance until you are at least 90. Players need to finish the first quest to gain access to the Mirrorworld. The second gives you one of the first three Cenedrils.

It does not take 3 days to complete the first quest! Just speak to the Clandestine Merchant 3 times.

Mirrorworld Instances Button

After unlocking, players will find a new button in the top left corner of the screen, next to the character picture. By clicking it, the Mirror World interface opens, presenting the current day with free instances marked as "Freex1". You may run as many as you wish, but only those marked are free, and only the first run. Entry counters reset at midnight (Pacific time).

Mirrorworld Instances[ | ]

There are currently 15 instances available. This will almost certainly increase in the future.

See Category:Mirror Instance (Zone Type) for a complete list.

Free Mirrorworld instances change each day. See the table at the top of this page.

Triad Dynamic Steadfast Mystical
Mirror Boss Source Mirror Boss Source Mirror Boss Source
1 Dynamic Mirror Shrine Liphisto Kalin Shrine Steadfast Mirror Heart of the Ocean Bendor Heart of the Ocean Mystical Mirror Water Cave Mersi Cave of the Water Dragon
2 Dynamic Mirror Altar Mayi Mystic Altar Steadfast Mirror Ruins Salo Ruins of the Ice Dwarf Kingdom Mystical Mirror Tower Wolin The Tower of Wailing Winds
3 Dynamic Mirror Caves Alis Barren Caves Steadfast Mirror Shrine Forensa Forsaken Abbey Mystical Mirror Fortress Shados Pasper's Shrine
4 Dynamic Arcane Mirrored Chamber Shreck Arcane Chamber of Sathkur Steadfast Mirror Lair Moony Cyclops Lair Mystical Mirror Gallery Vestin Bloody Gallery
5 Dynamic Mirror Sewers Tatuin Dalanis Sewers Steadfast Mirror Dreamworld Ardes Ancient Dreamland Mystical Mirror Pirate Ship Garsit Treasure Trove
6 Dynamic Mirror Wyrm Lair Ferriero Lair of the Demon Dragon Steadfast Mirror Library Lund Zurhidon Stronghold Mystical Mirror Hall Frostweave Warhorse Aeternal Circle
7 Dynamic Mirror Belorg zone name needed Steadfast Mirror Tarabeth zone name needed Mystical Mirror Skormor zone name needed

Monsters[ | ]

All trash mobs (3 per instance) will be level 93-94, Solo and aggressive. The boss will be level 95 and Crown Elite (but with low hitpoints for a boss, 750k to 1.6mil).

Mysterious Chests may appear in semi-random locations throughout all Mirror Instances. Click them three times to loot them the same as with a Mysterious Bag.

All Trash Mobs, the Boss, and all Mysterious Chests may drop any of the following:

First Triad

Dynamic Mirror Shrine[ | ]

Steadfast Mirror Heart of the Ocean[ | ]

Mystical Mirror Water Cave[ | ]

Second Triad

Dynamic Mirror Altar[ | ]

Steadfast Mirror Ruins[ | ]

Mystical Mirror Tower[ | ]

Third Triad

Dynamic Mirror Caves[ | ]

Steadfast Mirror Shrine[ | ]

Mystical Mirror Fortress[ | ]

Fourth Triad

Dynamic Arcane Mirrored Chamber[ | ]

Steadfast Mirror Lair[ | ]

Mystical Mirror Gallery[ | ]

Fifth Triad

Dynamic Mirror Sewers[ | ]

Steadfast Mirror Dreamworld[ | ]

Mystical Mirror Pirate Ship[ | ]

Sixth Triad

Dynamic Mirror Wyrm Lair[ | ]

Steadfast Mirror Library[ | ]

Mystical Mirror Hall[ | ]

Seventh Triad

Dynamic Mirror Wyrm Lair[ | ]

Steadfast Mirror Library[ | ]

Mystical Mirror Hall[ | ]

When the boss of a Mirror zone dies an exit portal will appear in his chamber, but you can leave any time you want by stepping through the entrance portal you appeared near, or by clicking the "Exit Instance" icon beneath your minimap.
