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Archives: 2010
Masked Ball This page relates to a quest, mob, event, or item involved in the annual Masked Ball (March)

In 2019, the Masked Ball began on May 16th.

Spring is approaching and that's reason enough to celebrate! Every day there are two special tasks awaiting you in Varanas' festively decorated central plaza. Deliver ball invitations and have your efforts rewarded with unusual items such as potions and masks.

On a recent scan of the database, I realized that the Masked Ball quests, and many mobs and items related to it, have been removed from the game. It appears that, with the end of the Frogster years, this event has ended. See the Anniversary Celebration.

Events[ | ]

Varanas[ | ]

The Truth Under the Mask[ | ]

  • Location: Varanas Central Plaza
  • NPC: Masked Ball Host
  • Event Sequence:
    • When you start a challenge you will get additional skill bar with four different color ribbons (green, red, purple and blue). Talk to Masked Lady and Masked Man at Varanas Central Plaza and try to find their match. When you talk to them they will say number and color, so you need to find other NPC with the same number and use that color of ribbon.
  • Reward
    • Ic Cherry (Use to restore 40% HP.)
    • Ic Masked Ball Medal - Quantity depends on points earned
      • Ic Masked Ball Medal x1 (1-? points)
      • Ic Masked Ball Medal x5 (40 points)

Eulogy of Spring[ | ]

Invitation Courier[ | ]

Dalanis[ | ]

Organizing Ball Supplies[ | ]

  • Location: Sternhorn (the crossroads south of the central city gates)
  • NPC: Ikes Kalefan
  • Event Sequence:
    • Organize and move goods at unloading area. You'll have 1 minute to arrange the goods. Put wooden boxes with other boxes, the wine barrels onto the wine rack and food into the vehicle. Use additional skills Move Goods (Alt+1) to move goods around. When time is up return to NPC to get reward.
  • Reward:
    • Ic Masked Ball Medal x1 (1-9 points)
    • Ic Masked Ball Medal x2 (16 points)
    • Ic Masked Ball Medal x3 (21 points)

Striker Association[ | ]

  • Location: Abandoned District of Dalanis
  • NPC: Big Spyror
  • Event Sequence:
    • NPC gives Ic Cidgera Transformator or Ic Sirkas Transformator which transforms you into Cidgera or Sirkas for 3 minutes (Warning: This effect will be cancelled upon death or leaving zone). Go outside Dalanis towards Sternhorn, use transformation and collect points by killing members of The Evil Axe Gang. Use additional skills Masked Attack (Alt+1) and Masked Flying Kick (Alt+2) to kill members of the gang. Return to NPC to accept the reward.
    • 1 Point for Evil Axe Gang Brawler
    • 4 Points for Evil Axe Gang Champion
    • 6 Points for Evil Axe Gang Boss
  • Note: The Evil Axe Gang spawns at certain time (18:30pm, 19:30pm, etc) in the agricultural field north of Sternhorn, so don't use transformation before you make sure that they are there. They stay for 30 minutes.
  • Reward:
    • Ic Masked Ball Medal x3 (57 points)
    • Ic Masked Ball Medal x4 (95 points)

Rewards[ | ]

Find Masked Ball Reward Commissioner at Varanas Central Plaza or Abandoned District of Dalanis and exchange Ic Masked Ball Medal x10 for a Masked Ball reward. Masked Ball reward includes:

You need the following to complete [10][Event Daily] Eulogy of Spring and gain a Ic Ball Mask Package:

You can also gain a Ic Ball Mask Package by trading Transport Portal Rune Transport Portal Rune ×2 with Shiani Alian.

Opening Ic Ball Mask Package gives one of following:

Opening Ic Masked Ball Transformation Potion Package gives one of following:

2010[ | ]

  • March 18 - The first toon per account (with at least one character > Level 11) that logs in each day, for the next 30 days, will receive 100Rubies , free!
  • March 19 - All characters logging on this day receive a Mysterious Lucky Frog Egg and Golden Brilliance Golden Brilliance ×10 (firework).
  • March 19-March 21 - Triple XP and TP weekend!