Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki
Justice Workshops
Group - Justice Workshops

This faction's representatives are found in or near many (but not all) 65+ zones (Tergothen Bay and above). They "sell" high-end Rare gear to help adventurers.

When you have earned a total of more than Energy of Justice Energy of Justice ×5000 the prices you are offered will improve downward.

Stub We need a good description of this faction, and their motives.
Justice Workshop Merchants by Zone and POI
Level Item Set Merchant Zone POI
70 Rorazan Justice Joseph Wayne Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan Aren Base
70 Heroic Justice
Power of Justice
John Selino Tergothen Bay Kingdom of Lechif
75 Balanced Justice Nolan Otto Chrysalia Sagthorne Camp
77 Bedim Justice Pye Parker Merdhin Tundra Cadoon
80 Glacial Justice Monica Lee Syrbal Pass Hyern Village
82 Boiling Lake Chris Bayton Sarlo Wall of Patrace
85 Fjord Justice Kai Kent Wailing Fjord Muckgale Port
87 Jungle Justice Josef Batwald Jungle of Hortek Leorden Stronghold
90 Basin Justice Peili Fulak Salioca Basin Pioneers Camp
92 Veiled Crypt Justice
Kashaylan Justice
Hal Landman Kashaylan Hovik's Camp
95 Splitwater Justice
Bone Peak Justice
Viktor Sabor Splitwater Coast Port Shard
97 Moorlands Justice Da'an Whanta Moorlands of Farsitan Heroica Fortress
98 Vale Justice Justin Ryder Tasuq Gray Citadel
99 Ice Blade Justice Warlina Neeson Korris Citadel Outpost
100 Enochian Justice Sarlina Neeson Enoch Nebula Woods Camp
100 Tomb Justice Sanny Babalu Vortis Camp at Cape Luna
100 Dawn Justice Minnie Babalu Chassizz Scorching Sun Camp
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Pages in category "Justice Workshops (Mob Group)"

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