Runes of Magic Wiki
Armor Sets sold by Armor Merchants or Crafted by Artisans
Vended Set Name Crafted Set Name Level
Pioneers Common 1-5
Reifort Common 1-10
Morfantas Common
Varanas Common
Ayren Common
Resilient 21-29
Dragonfang Common 31-35
Ystra Common 36-40
Dark Glory Common 41-49
Tempest Height 90 90
Vended Set Name Crafted Set Name Level
Fine Set Whirlwind 51-55
Gorgeous Forest Crafted 53-56
Excellent Castle Crafted 61
Exquisite Set Dwarven 66
Sublime Provision 71-72
Halcyon 76
Recall Velvet 81
Holy Jungle Crafted 86
Eternal Splitwater Crafted 93
Glorious Farsitan Crafted 96
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Most Vendor-purchased Item Sets have an Artisan-crafted Item Set at or near the same level.

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