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The Elven Prophecy

This page refers to content introduced in the expansion, Chapter II: The Elven Prophecy.

The information on this page relates to special items available from the Black Codex.

See also: Category:Black Codex for a list of all related pages.

You need Mana Stone Mana Stone ×3, 1 of each tier in the stated Range. All three Runes must be of a different Name. Combine them to get a Random Mana Stone of one of the three used Tiers.

Locations[ | ]

Black Codex Attribute Stone Exchange Merchants
Zone POI Name Level
Silverspring Hall of Survivors Hal Chitooli 8 to 10 ASEVIII
Southern Janost Forest Kandor Chaz Winlow
zone name needed POI name needed mob name missing 9 to 11 ASEIX
Limo Desert Earthsprings Village Katharina Korman 10 to 12 ASEX
Redhill Mountains Fireboot Underground Fortress Larz Kerlisz 11 to 13 ASEXI
Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan Aeternal Circle Jennifer Talia 12 to 14 ASEXII
Thunderhoof Hills Valley of Gloty Nammi Flush
Chrysalia Sagthorne Camp no ASEM
Merdhin Tundra Cadoon Lorgee Kiala
Syrbal Pass Hyern Village Scurr Woolin
Sarlo Wall of Patrace Weston Mahler
Wailing Fjord Muckgale Port Kaiz Ballusha
Jungle of Hortek Leorden Stronghold Quay Minas
Salioca Basin Genesis Hatley Kabi
Kashaylan Hovik's Camp Duke Hayes
Moorlands of Farsitan Sandhor Dales Ilar
Tasuq Gray Citadel Ailyn Pattings
Stub We need a complete guide for this. I have searched the RoM Forums and there is no guide to be found. For now, we have SOME information at Hal Chitooli.
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This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.


This category has only the following subcategory.

Pages in category "Attribute Stone Exchange (Merchant Type)"

The following 16 pages are in this category, out of 16 total.
