Runes of Magic Wiki
Runes of Magic Wiki
Callaway Kalume
[King of Dalanis]
Race (MCT)Human (Humanoid)
LevelNon-Player Character
LocationThunderhoof Hills, Southern Janost Forest, Northern Janost Forest, Limo Desert, Land of Malevolence, Redhill Mountains, Tergothen Bay, Ancient Kingdom of Rorazan, Chrysalia, Merdhin Tundra, Syrbal Pass, Sarlo
Callaway Kalume

Callaway Kalume

To find this mob in-game, use BACKSPACE to open the World Search window, then enter Callaway Kalume in the Search field and click "Search". Remember, the field is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown.

This NPC is a quest giver in the Return the Glory quest series.
This NPC is a quest giver in the Magical Reconstruction quest series.
This NPC is a quest giver in the Surging Undercurrent quest series.
This NPC is a quest giver in the Clash of Good and Evil quest series.
This NPC is a quest giver in the Dawn of War quest series.
This NPC is a quest giver in the Pirate Island quest series.

aka Toni

Time Travel This page relates to a quest, mob, event, or item involved in the annual Time Travel (Summer Equinox)
Relevant Year(s): 2022