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[+] Epic - Bloody Demon Sword
 [+] Chapter II: Balance of Power
  [14][Epic] Bury the Remains
Quest ID# 421548
Tag / Questbook: none / Epic - Bloody Demon Sword
Icon - Start Quest Start: Oreng @ Varanas Central Plaza (Silverspring)
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Icon - End Quest End: Oreng
 XP: 740
 TP: 74
 Gold: 951Gold 
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Chapter II: Balance of Power This content is located elsewhere. Click this icon to view/edit it where it lives.
  1. [12][Epic] Marisus' Misgivings
  2. [12][Epic] Council's Request (Salond)
  3. [12][Epic] Secret Investigation
  4. [12][Epic] Council's Request (Berol)
  5. [12][Epic] Assist the Guard of Varanas
  6. [13][Epic] Non-disclosure Agreement
  7. [14][Epic] Bury the Remains
  8. [14][Epic] More Help
  9. [14][Epic] Obtain the Rune
  10. [14][Epic] Test of Rune Power
  11. [14][Epic] More Runes
  12. [15][Epic] Rune Power Test - Part 2
  13. [15][Epic] The Search for Runic Knowledge
  14. [16][Epic] Different Types of Rune
  15. [16][Epic] Angry Holly
  16. [16][Epic] Spring Water Delivery
  17. [16][Epic] Difficult Task
Next: Chapter III: The Spirit Compass


You need to be at least Level 10 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 6 to turn-in this quest.


Bury the badges in the graves of Captain Franzid's Grave, Captain Jit Luid's Grave, and Captain Rogier's Grave. Return to Oreng when finished.


This is the situation; The guards have been meeting up to discuss the issues that are endangering the safety of Varanas.

A few days ago, Captain Lukai invited the other captains to his place to discuss safety issues, but they were all found dead in the basement. It was so strange we wanted to make sure that it didn't get out to the general populace and cause panic. Therefore, we buried them quickly near the Forsaken Abbey.

I have three badges here that belonged to them. I am asking you to bury them with their owners.

The task seems simple but all the previous people we sent returned heavily injured and the task incomplete...

Recommended group size: 3 players


Spoiler Alert!
We have some more information about how to perform this quest but recognize you might want to try it on your own before we tell you the secret...
  • All three graves are outside Forsaken Abbey.
  • Franzid's Grave isn't within Abbey grounds, if you leave the gate, and look immediately left, his grave will be up against the wall.
  • You don't need to interact with the tombstones in any way, just right click the badge within your inventory when near its respective grave.
  • Jit Luid's and Rogier's Grave will each spawn their respective corpses, Rogier's corpse is a level 13 Elite. Franzid's Grave however will start a conversation between Captain Lukai and 2 Mysterious Masked Messengers, supposedly Zurhidon members. they say:
Captain Lukai: You guys said the drink would only make people fall unconscious, that was why I agreed to help you test it!
Captain Lukai: All my team members are poisoned now! What do you think I should do?!
Mysterious Masked Messenger: Maybe the dose was too high...
Mysterious Masked Messenger: It's happened now. You don't want the truth of this accident to leak out either surely?
Mysterious Masked Messenger: Burn them! Burn all the corpses!
Captain Lukai: Burn...! You want me to set my partners on fire?!
Mysterious Masked Messenger: Wait someone is here. Let us leave quickly.
  • Each pair of boots within the reward offer as additional modifiers, an extra +3.0 Stamina, and +4 Strength, Dexterity, or Intelligence. In that order.


Spoiler Alert!
This text may, or may not, contain information about future tasks or game lore...
What? You saw Captain Lukai with some masked strangers...?

Masked strangers... I wonder if...

No! Captain Lukai is not that kind of person. Thank you for your help. We can send these badges to their family.

Non-disclosure Agreement
Epic - Bloody Demon Sword
Quest Series
Chapter II: Balance of Power
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