Runes of Magic Wiki
Starts: [80] Mysterious Power Source
Related Quests:Dropped by:
Icon - Broken Remains of the Punisher
Broken Remains of the Punisher
Not dropped on PK death
Unique Item
Quest Item
Cannot be sold
The Broken Remains of the Punisher keeps releasing warm energy.
This is a quest required item.
Start Mysterious Power Source
Right-click to use this item.

This item is UNIQUE. You may not possess more than one!

The first time you get this item, right-click the item, then click Accept, to start Mysterious Power Source.

Once you have completed Mysterious Power Source: When you get another Broken Remains of the Punisher Broken Remains of the Punisher, right-click it (use it), then 'Accept to start [Daily] Mysterious Power Source.

For Completionists:

In order to start [Public] Mysterious Power Source you need to first Accept [Daily] Mysterious Power Source, then right-click (use) again and Accept again to start [Public] Mysterious Power Source. Then Abandon [Daily] Mysterious Power Source so you can turn in the Public. You have to do it this way because turning in either one deletes the Broken Remains of the Punisher Broken Remains of the Punisher.
