Runes of Magic Wiki
Bethomia Codex Item Set (Required Level: 80)
Members and Set BonusesAppearanceMembers and Set BonusesAppearance
Bethomia Wizard (0) Cloth
Bethomia Wizard Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Wizard Belt (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Wizard Pants (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Wizard Cape (RW/Ggl)
aka Bethomia Codex


Bethomia Combat (0) Cloth
Bethomia Combat Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Combat Belt (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Combat Pants (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Combat Cape (RW/Ggl)
aka Bethomia Codex


Bethomia Healing (0) Cloth
Bethomia Healing Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Healing Belt (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Healing Pants (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Healing Cape (RW/Ggl)
aka Bethomia Codex

Item Set - Bethomia Codex - Cloth

Bethomia Codex - Cloth

Bethomia Speed (0) Leather
Bethomia Speed Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Speed Belt (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Speed Pants (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Speed Cape (RW/Ggl)
aka Bethomia Codex

Item Set - Bethomia Codex - Leather

Bethomia Codex - Leather

Bethomia Massacre (0) Chain
Bethomia Massacre Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Massacre Belt (RW/Ggl)
BethomiaMassacre Pants (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Massacre Cape (RW/Ggl)
aka Bethomia Codex


Bethomia Dark Magic (0) Chain
Bethomia Dark Magic Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Dark Magic Belt (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Dark Magic Pants (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Dark Magic Cape (RW/Ggl)
aka Bethomia Codex

Item Set - Bethomia Codex - Chain

Bethomia Codex - Chain

Bethomia Protection (0) Plate
Bethomia Protection Gauntlets Bethomia Protection Gauntlets
Bethomia Protection Belt Bethomia Protection Belt
Bethomia Protection Pants Bethomia Protection Pants
Bethomia Protection Cape Bethomia Protection Cape
aka Bethomia Codex

Item Set - Bethomia Codex - Plate

Bethomia Codex - Plate

AccessorySet Notes
Bethomia Codex (0) Accessory
Bethomia Protection Ring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Protection Earring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Massacre Ring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Massacre Earring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Dark Magic Ring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Dark Magic Earring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Speed Ring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Speed Earring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Wiozard Ring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Wizard Earring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Combat Ring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Combat Earring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Healing Ring (RW/Ggl)
Bethomia Healing Earring (RW/Ggl)
aka Bethomia Codex

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See also: Syrbal Pass Item Sets: Foreign Earth Flow, Glacial Justice, Bethomia Codex, and Bethomia Black Codex

This is a group of 4-piece no-set-bonus sets (Hands, Waist, Lower Body, and Cape) sold by Bel Baydon at Hyern Village in Syrbal Pass.

See also: Item Set Skills for a table of all Items Sets, by class, and what extractable skills they have.