Runes of Magic Wiki
Bethomia Black Codex Item Set (Required Level: 80)
Members and Set BonusesAppearanceMembers and Set BonusesAppearance
Silent Howler Set (7) Cloth
Silent Howler's Recovery (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Howler's Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Silent Howler's Sacrifice (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Howler's Belt (RW/Ggl)
Silent Howler's Condensation (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Howler's Pants (RW/Ggl)
Silent Howler's Division (RW/Ggl)
2 Pieces: +320 Intelligence
4 Pieces: +3360 Magical Attack
7 Pieces: +4320 Maximum HP
aka Bethomia Black Codex


Chaos Guide Set (7) Cloth
Chaos Guide's Robe (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Guide's Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Chaos Guide's Shoulder Guards (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Guide's Belt (RW/Ggl)
Chaos Guide's Shoes (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Guide's Pants (RW/Ggl)
Chaos Guide's Headdress (RW/Ggl)
2 Pieces: +320 Wisdom
4 Pieces: +3360 Magical Attack
7 Pieces: +2880 Healing Power Increase Points
aka Bethomia Black Codex

Item Set - Silent Howler Set - Cloth - Female

Silent Howler Set

Item Set - Chaos Guide Set - Cloth - Female

Chaos Guide Set

Giant Venom Set (7) Leather
Giant Venom's Leather Armor (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Venom's Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Giant Venom's Shoulder Guards (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Venom's Belt (RW/Ggl)
Giant Venom's Foot (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Venom's Pants (RW/Ggl)
Giant Venom's Skull (RW/Ggl)
2 Pieces: +320 Dexterity
4 Pieces: +3360 Physical Attack
7 Pieces: +2400 Maximum HP, +10% Off-Hand Damage Rate
aka Bethomia Black Codex


Plague Lindworm Set (7) Leather
Plague Lindworm's Leather Armor (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Lindworm's Gloves Transformed Lindworm's Gloves
Plague Lindworm's Shoulder Guards (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Lindworm's Belt (RW/Ggl)
Plague Lindworm's Foot (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Lindworm's Pants (RW/Ggl)
Plague Lindworm's Skull (RW/Ggl)
2 Pieces: +320 Dexterity
4 Pieces: +3360 Physical Attack
7 Pieces: +4320 Maximum HP
aka Bethomia Black Codex

Item Set - Giant Venom Set - Leather - Female

Giant Venom Set

Item Set - Plague Lindworm Set - Leather - Female

Plague Lindworm Set

Cruel Spirit Beast Card (7) Chain
Cruel Spirit Beast's Chainmail (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Spirit Beast's Gloves (RW/Ggl)
Cruel Spirit Beast's Shoulder Guards (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Spirit Beast's Belt (RW/Ggl)
Cruel Spirit Beast's Boots (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Spirit Beast's Pants (RW/Ggl)
Cruel Spirit Beast's Helmet (RW/Ggl)
2 Pieces: +320 Strength
4 Pieces: +3360 Physical Attack
7 Pieces: +4320 Maximum HP
aka Bethomia Black Codex

Item Set - Cruel Spirit Beast Card - Chain - Male

Cruel Spirit Beast Card

Iron Light Magic Ring Set (7) Plate
Iron Light Magic Ring Plate Armor (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Iron Light Gauntlets (RW/Ggl)
Iron Light Magic Ring Shoulder Armor (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Iron Light Belt (RW/Ggl)
Iron Light Magic Ring Plate Boots (RW/Ggl)
Transformed Iron Light Pants (RW/Ggl)
Iron Light Magic Ring Strong Helmet (RW/Ggl)
2 Pieces: +320 Stamina
4 Pieces: +3360 Physical Attack
7 Pieces: +4320 Maximum HP
aka Bethomia Black Codex

Item Set - Iron Light Magic Ring Set - Plate - Male

Iron Light Magic Ring Set

WeaponsSet Notes
Bethomia Black Codex (0) Weapons
Ic Transformed Lindworm's Magic Bone
Ic Transformed Fayleod's Giant Axe
Ic Transformed Tatha's Iron Light
Ic Transformed Sandos' Claw
Ic Transformed Silent Howler
Ic Transformed Ancient Kingdom Iron Flower
Ic Transformed Hoson's Spine
Appearance is the same as Bethomia Rare.
See also: Item Set Skills for a table of all Items Sets, by class, and what extractable skills they have.