Runes of Magic Wiki
[Council President of Varanas]
Race (MCT)Human (Humanoid)
LevelNon-Player Character
LocationSilverspring / Varanas Administration District ( 63.1, 78.3 )


To find this mob in-game, use BACKSPACE to open the World Search window, then enter Berol in the Search field and click "Search". Remember, the field is case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as shown.

President of the Council of Varanas. He seems to be a very honorable person.

Are you an adventurer? I am Berol, president of the council of this city. I appreciate the help that some of you adventurers are able to offer. I hope you can enjoy the services and safety of the city, while also helping to maintain its peace and harmony.

This NPC is a part of the Bloody Demon Sword quest series.

Initiates Quests:[ | ]

Involved in Quests:[ | ]
