Runes of Magic Wiki
For other articles with related titles, see Awaken.

[+] Yrvandis Hollows
 [+] New Hangrar Ore Mine
  [1] Awaken
Tag / Questbook: z31-YrvandisHollows / Yrvandis Hollows
Icon - Start Quest Start: Galis Faidley (Yrvandis Hollows)
Icon - End Quest End: Galis Faidley
 XP: 24
 TP: 2
 Gold: 50Gold 

This quest becomes trivial above Level 11.

Required: Internal Flag: 546241 (You fed Ned Shadoweave)


Speak to Galis Faidley to re-familiarize yourself with this world.


Hello, long-slumbering Shadowforge Dwarf. Welcome back...

Don't be afraid! We are here to help you! In order to reacquaint you with this world, we have someone to take you on a series of guided activities. This activities will help quickly adapt to this world.

"Accepting Quests"
Sometimes characters in the game (NPCs) will need the player's help. When this happens, the characters will use format to ask for the player's help. In the Conversation Interface, you can click "Accept Quest" to accept the quest.

Yellow exclamation marks will appear above NPCs heads when they have a quest for you.


Spoiler Alert!
This text may, or may not, contain information about future tasks or game lore...
You just woke up, so there may be a lot you are not used to.

Please trust that we sincerely want to help you. Next, I would like to tell you more about this world...

Don't be nervous. Don't be impatient. Breathe deeply. Allow me to continue introducing the academy to you.

"Inquiring About Quests"

Press the L key on the keyboard or select "Quests" on the bottom-right Functions Menu to open up the Quest Log Interface. From this interface you can see a list of all quests you have accepted and the details for each quest.

Yrvandis Hollows
Quest Series
New Hangrar Ore Mine
Warm-up Exercise
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