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[+] Magical Reconstruction
 [+] Glinville
  [63] Assist With the Experiment
Quest ID# 423610
Tag / Questbook: z19-LandofMalev / Magical Reconstruction
Expansion: Ch.IV: Lands of Despair
Icon - Start Quest Start: Kargath Duran @ Glinville (Land of Malevolence)
Related Mobs:
Related Items:
Icon - End Quest End: Kargath Duran
 XP: 678,558
 TP: 67,855
 Gold: 15,333Gold 
Lands of Despair

This page refers to content introduced in the expansion, Chapter IV: Lands of Despair.

Kargath Duran

Kargath Duran

You need to be at least Level 61 to receive this quest.
You need to be at least Level 55 to turn-in this quest.
This quest becomes trivial above Level 71.


Follow Kargath's instructions and assist him with the experiment. When you don't know what to do next, ask him.

Goals: Relief Potion


If my guess is right, those people who retained their sanity have a very, veeery faint trace of oracle blood in their systems, so their brains weren't fried by the powerful rune energy...

Ok, let's do a fun and lively experiment.

First, I'll give you two potions. The green one is Divine Fruit Juice Divine Fruit Juice, and the purple one is fortified Divine Fruit Juice Divine Fruit Juice. See the little baby there? First feed it the green potion. Wait a while, and observe the reaction it causes. Then, feed it the purple potion and come back to ask me the next step.


Spoiler Alert!
We have some more information about how to perform this quest but recognize you might want to try it on your own before we tell you the secret...
Click on the Lost Fox to wake him, click on the Excited Fox, speak to Kargath DUran to determine how to proceed, kill the Calm Wild Fox to get Relief Potion.

Man-made Blood of the Oracles
Magical Reconstruction
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