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See Item Shop Items
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Icon - Advanced Moon Jewel
Advanced Moon Jewel
Item Shop Item
Not dropped on PK death
Refining Gem
Cannot be sold
This item can increase the power level of armor with a minimum power level of +6 by +1. When upgrading there is a chance that the upgrade will fail, causing the power level to drop. However, the armor will remain at least at power level +7. The maximum level that can be reached by using this jewel is level +12.

The character level requirement of the armor must be between levels Min Target Level and Max Target Level.

Only for armor with +6 and above.
Moon Jewels - Armor
Icon Gem Min Target Level Max Target Level Min Target Initial PR Min Guaranteed PR Max PR Cost Notes
Basic Tier
Icon‎ Moon Jewel - Basic (RW/Ggl) 1 20 +0 +0 +6 1,000Gold 
Icon‎ Moon Jewel - Class I (RW/Ggl) 21 30 +0 +0 +6 1,000Gold 
Icon Moon Jewel - Class II (RW/Ggl) 31 40 +0 +0 +6 1,000Gold 
Icon Moon Jewel - Class III (RW/Ggl) 41 50 +0 +0 +6 1,000Gold 
Icon Moon Jewel - Class IV 51 60 +0 +0 +6 2,000Gold  Woolybully Deerhorn
Icon Moon Jewel - Class V 61 70 +0 +0 +6 2,000Gold  Woolybully Deerhorn
Icon Moon Jewel - Class VI (RW/Ggl) 71 80 +0 +0 +6 2,000Gold 
Icon Moon Jewel - Class VII (RW/Ggl) 81 90 +0 +0 +6 2,000Gold 
Icon Advanced Moon Jewel - Class VI (RW/Ggl) 71 80 +6 +7 +12 3,500Gold 
Icon Advanced Moon Jewel - Class VII (RW/Ggl) 81 90 +6 +7 +12 3,500Gold 
Improved Tier
Icon Moon Jewel - Blessing 1 30 +0 +1 +6 .5Diamonds ($0.01) 
Icon Moon Jewel - Protection (RW/Ggl) 1 40 +0 +1 +6 1.9Diamonds ($0.06) 
Icon Moon Jewel - Wishes (RW/Ggl) 1 50 +0 +1 +6 REMOVED
Icon Moon Jewel - Holy Light (RW/Ggl) 1 60 +0 +1 +6 REMOVED
Icon Advanced Moon Jewel - Elven 1 100 +6 +7 +12
Icon Enhanced Moon Jewel - Elven 1 90 +12 +13 +16 45Diamonds ($1.34) 
Icon Enhanced Moon Jewel - Starsplinter (RW/Ggl) 1 100 +12 +13 +16 45Diamonds ($1.34) 
Icon Moon Jewel - Elven Master 1 100 +12 +13 +20 Red Treasure Chest
First-Rate Tier
Icon First-Rate Moon Jewel - Blessing (RW/Ggl) 1 30 +0 +6 +6 20Rubies 
Icon First-Rate Moon Jewel - Protection (RW/Ggl) 1 40 +0 +6 +6 30Rubies 
Icon First-Rate Moon Jewel - Wishes (RW/Ggl) 1 50 +0 +6 +6 REMOVED
Icon First-Rate Moon Jewel - Holy Light (RW/Ggl) 1 60 +0 +6 +6 50Rubies 
Icon First-Rate Starsplinter Moon Jewel (RW/Ggl) 1 90 +0 +6 +6 80Rubies 
Icon First-Rate Moon Jewel - Elven (RW/Ggl) 1 100 +0 +6 +6 80Rubies 
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