Runes of Magic Wiki

Unequips (!) Item


Equips Item in Slot x from bagplace y

Arguments[ | ]

x -
1 - Head
2 - Hands
3 - Feet
4 - Upper Body
5 - Lower Body
6 - Cape
7 - Belt
8 - Shoulders
9 - Necklace
10 - Ammunition
11 - Ranged Weapon
12 - Left Ring
13 - Right Ring
14 - Left Earring
15 - Right Earring
16 - Main Hand
17 -
18 -
19 -
20 -
21 -
22 - Back
y -
Bagplace, GetBagItemInfo() recommended

Example[ | ]

/script EquipItem(17)

Unequips Off Hand

/script EquipItem(17, GetBagItemInfo(1))

Equips the Item on Bagplace 1 into Off Hand
