Runes of Magic Wiki

This page is Transcluded on the pages of some of the Mystic Necklaces sold by Adventurer Calym.

Orange Stats available on Treasure Table 727342 (10%)
%Chance Stat Name Attribute 1 Attribute 2
16.7 Reflection of the Safeguard +378 Stamina +945 Physical Attack
16.7 Reflection of the Warden +378 Stamina +2652 Maximum HP
16.7 Reflection of the Detonation +378 Strength +945 Physical Attack
16.7 Reflection of Vengeance +378 Dexterity +945 Physical Attack
16.7 Reflection of the Hallucination +378 Stamina +378 Dexterity
16.7 Reflection of the Fury +378 Stamina +378 Strength